rdx.page_auto_refresh_off. Logoff is successful.
Step 2) Install & Access the VPN VPN Instructions - PC (pdf) VPN Instructions - Mac (pdf) Banner Users. Access Banner Admin enterprise business applications through the VPN by using the remote desktop feature to connect to your office computer. Questions? Article - Working Remotely with a VPN Duo two-factor is required to use Remote VPN. VPN connection will timeout if idle for 3 hours. VPN connectivity is limited to users located in the U.S. When connected to VPN, all traffic is routed through WVU's network. It's important to disconnect when you don't need the VPN to access a particular application or complete a task: Banner Access - - Virginia State University Banner comes in two flavors (Self Service and Internet Native Banner, also referred to as INB). Self-service is fully accessible from any Internet browser; however, INB is only accessible while on-campus or using the VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection to campus. Banner Faculty/Staff Self-Service. SonicWall - Authentication Click "I Accept" only if you wish to accept these terms and continue.
Data.banner has been setup for remote access through the Staff VPN. Existing client keys will work on the Staff VPN. If you are connecting from a new device, create a new key and public access request. A key should only be used on one device. For more information on connecting remotely to data.banner see SN KB: Data.banner remote access
Banner Production Launch Page Banner Admin (Banner 9) Note: Chrome or Fire Fox Recommended. Banner Admin (Banner 9) supports all browsers. Off-campus users must run the SFASU VPN for access. Click here for more information. For technical support issues, please contact the Help Desk at 936-468-1212. Online Services (Self-Service Banner) Remote Access Service - Lamar University
Functional departments should direct your respective staff to access Banner for administrative tasks at https://inb.ulm.edu. This resource is only available on Campus or through an authenticated VPN session. A faculty/staff member that has access to Banner also has access to ePrint with the same
Login Banner? - OpenVPN Support Forum Mar 18, 2011 Nortel VPN : User did not acknowledge the baner | Network Dec 09, 2013 Installing and Using VPN on Windows - ITS Knowledge Base