To answer your question, it is not possible to have two modems provisioned on one account. Our systems will not allow this type of setup. The only option for this to work would be to activate an entirely new account at your address which would result in paying the additional rental fee along with the fee for the package.
Aug 15, 2018 · Your router’s primary job. Routers perform many different functions, but their primary role, at least in the home, is to act as a gateway to the internet. You can think of your router as having two “sides”: one side is connected to the internet, and another to all of your computers and other devices. Jan 06, 2018 · I have tons and tons of devices connected in my home and would really love to use both routers if at all possible but I am absolutely clueless on how to do this or if i can. Jul 04, 2019 · Can I have 2 modems? Jun 10, 2019 If you only have one Internet connection but two modems, you can connect the pair by putting one modem into bridge mode and physically connecting them through an Apr 19, 2016 · I have tried going around the house using my mobile phone to search for the area with the best connection to the network, but have had no luck in finding the router. Additional Information: Due to the comments asking for more information about the router, it is a normal ADSL/VDSL Wi-Fi capable router distributed by the market leading ISP in my Press the WPS button on the wireless booster (pictured below), then the corresponding WPS button on your router (most modern routers will have one, but check before buying a booster unit). The two devices will 'talk' to each other, and your network should be extended within minutes. Feb 09, 2014 · The Super Hub I have in room 2 is the most central so I want this to provide Wi-fi to the house as well as have some stuff connected via ethernet. The Super Hub in room 1 is from my wife's house and is no longer needed there so I want to get that running so it can be used for just ethernet stuff.
RBRs can't work in satellite mode, only router or AP mode. Having two wifi signal in close proximity could be problematic. One would need to be on channel 1 while the other would need to be on channel 11 on 2.4Ghz. Same goes for 5Ghz. It's important that you don't have TWO devices on your network passing out IP Addresses. This second router will only be bridging the wireless and wired world at your house. It has no responsibilities around IP addresses. Here's an unnecessary diagram: Feb 13, 2014 · Your best solution is to run a cable as far as you can toward the area you get poor reception and put the second router in as a AP. All routers can run as AP, there is a sticky on top of this forum.
You should only have 1 modem because you only have 1 primary communications feed to your house. That feed is a terminal outside your house. You could pay for another feed or split the feed, but I don't think that's what you want to do. The modem acts as a synchronizer between the network of your service provider and your home network. Upgrade your SB6183 modem to one that has two or more ethernet ports to allow for configuration of a separate IP address into a separate router. (E.G. ARRIS SB8200, Netgear CM1100, Motorola MB8600. Post back here and your request will be elevated to a Comcast Specialist for processing. Apr 22, 2017 · Two modems mean two ISP connections meaning extra costs. However, it does mean that if you have your own ISP connection for gaming and when the rest of the house uses a different ISP connection, then their traffic on the Internet will not detract from your connection. To answer your question, it is not possible to have two modems provisioned on one account. Our systems will not allow this type of setup. The only option for this to work would be to activate an entirely new account at your address which would result in paying the additional rental fee along with the fee for the package. Aug 23, 2010 · I have devices plugged into the LAN ports on both of my routers (computer + networked printer on Router 1, BluRay and HD TiVo on Router 2); Router 1 handles the DHCP for both wired and wireless connections, and anything attached via WiFi or plugged directly into Router 1 or 2 can see everything else on the network.