Mar 24, 2010

LOOKUP-dns = dnsLookup host OUTPUT ip AS clientip. The field in the lookup table is named ip, but Splunk automatically extracts the IP addresses from Web access logs into a field named clientip. So, "OUTPUT ip AS clientip" indicates that you want Splunk to add the values of ip from the lookup table into the clientip field in the events. Solved: unable to resolve host to ip during appliance init Nov 15, 2018 dns - EC2 sudo unable to resolve host - Ask Ubuntu

Hostname to IP Address Lookup. This tool will provide you the IP address (or addresses, if applicable) of the hostname (ie that you enter below.

Happily, this sort of "ad-hoc" request-pinning is possible via command-line with cURL , which provides a special resolve option, formatted --resolve [DOMAIN]:[PORT]:[IP], that routes all web requests performed during the execution of a cURL command that match a given [DOMAIN] and [PORT] to a specified [IP] address. The values specified by this Powershell : Resolve Hostname from IP address and vice versa Mar 14, 2020

Wireshark will resolve ip addresses to hostnames when the capture file contains DNS traffic or when you have a hosts file in your profile that maps ip addresses to hostnames. You can also 'Use an external name resolver' to resolve the IP addresses using your DNS when you open the trace file. This might cause heavy UDP traffic from your machine

Mar 14, 2020 · Resolve Hostname for set of IP addresses from text file: Use the below powershell script to find machine name for multiple IP addresses. First create the text file ip-addresses.txt which includes one IP address in each line. You will get the machinename list in the txt file machinenames.txt. Happily, this sort of "ad-hoc" request-pinning is possible via command-line with cURL , which provides a special resolve option, formatted --resolve [DOMAIN]:[PORT]:[IP], that routes all web requests performed during the execution of a cURL command that match a given [DOMAIN] and [PORT] to a specified [IP] address. The values specified by this Please take the note that accepted answer can resolve to IPv6. I attempted to connect to service that does not accept IPv6 as input string. Therefore try this snippet if you care to get IPv4: The Resolve method queries a DNS server for the IP address associated with a host name or IP address. When hostName is a DNS-style host name associated with multiple IP addresses, only the first IP address that resolves to that host name is returned. Resolve host name from IP address. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 9 months ago. Active 11 months ago. Viewed 820k times 147. 43. I'm looking for a command line tool Sorry I can't help you much but, since it says "can't resolve host" try running: hostname And see if the output is the hostname of the machine. If not, the problem is the host configuration, not sudo.